Plough => Ruby Journey through ruby

Abbreviation in Ruby

Ruby’s standard library is filled with several unique, non-standard classes/modules, one such module is Abbrev.

Abbrev calculates the set of unique abbreviations for a given set of strings. The following code demonstrates it properly:

require 'abbrev'
require 'pp'

pp Abbrev.abbrev(['ruby', 'rules'])

This code produces the following output where all the keys are abbreviated and unique, and point to their respective words.


This also provides an extension for an Array, so you can call ‘abbrev’ method straight on an array. The code above will then become:

require 'abbrev'
require 'pp'

pp ['ruby', 'rules'].abbrev

I found a couple of use cases of the Abbrev module on Google:

  1. For creating unique labels for a bar graph.

  2. For creating an auto-completer on console, intriguing, right?

Hope this will make you aware of such a nifty module and please share your use-cases with the rest of us.